Category cooking


It’s been 3 weeks now since I completed my 365 project. I miss the challenge and I don’t. On one hand, it was nice to have that extra pressure to make sure we did something more than just lounge around in pajamas (I mean, we did that a ton even when I was doing the […]


It’s been a busy, non-busy week. Which is to say, normal. Did some freezer-cooking on Monday, which means the girls watched roughly 900 hours of Max&Ruby while I chopped and mixed and marinated and baked and bagged several nights worth of dinners. Tonight we had one of them. (Well, the pre-frozen version of one. Since […]

Freezerpalooza 2012

Well. It’s been awhile. When I left you last, I believe I was experiencing some hardcore nesting? Well, the whole decorating strain of nesting passed, (unfortunately it mostly didn’t go further than looking at a million different blogs and pinterest boards and coming up with a hundred different ideas that I never followed through on) […]


It is so cold out. See? Not making it up. That’s really freaking cold. And in case you’re trying to do the Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion? Don’t bother. Because -40 is minus 40 is -40. That’s where the scales intersect. It’s cold. So today we stayed in. We baked. And before you start thinking my […]

In which I am the permissive one.

Today we all napped. And it was glorious. And when we all woke up at 5pm and I really just wanted to finish my book, I let them sit on the kitchen counter and eat cookies and milk (a mere hour before dinner) and shhhh don’t tell Nate. Not very wordy today. Working on getting […]


A new year. A new start. Or, maybe just more of the same. I kind of half-decided I want to attempt a 365project this year, in order to continuously push myself to become a better photographer. But it’s already the 7th and I sort of haven’t shot anything yet. Hardly an auspicious beginning. Also, I […]

Walking that fine line between lame and AWESOME.

Sometimes I think of an idea and it is so super cool, and then halfway through doing it I realize it’s kind of lame. Then I think, maybe it’s so lame it’s cool, then I think “you’re overthinking things”, then I decide I don’t care because I FEEL LIKE MAKING SUGAR COOKIES SHAPED LIKE HOCKEY […]

Just call me Suzy.

There are just some days when it all comes together. Morning starts with 2-yr old coming in to snuggle with Mama and Daddy. The most heartmelting moment was when I came back from the bathroom to see her hugging Nate, and she looked up at me and said, “Look, Mama! Daddy’s my friend!” Downstairs. Make […]

Monday- A Play in Three Parts

Act 1: In which I wake up in good mood, prepare a healthy breakfast for my children, pack a healthy lunch for my husband, clean the entire kitchen, carry all laundry to the basement, and get a healthy dinner in the slowcooker, all before I even have my coffee. Act 2: Wherein we discover that […]


So, I haven’t really been sleeping. And I can’t even blame it on either baby, they’re (knock on wood) pretty good sleepers. Fiona rarely wakes up during the night, and Violet, well, we’re still co-sleeping/nursing, so most of the time all it takes is for me to roll over and stuff a boob in her […]